Ashish Shukla

Theoretical Physicist at the École Polytechnique, France

Email: ashish.shukla"at"

Address: Office 10.17 Bâtiment 412, Centre de Physique Théorique, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau F-91128, France.

I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre de Physique Théorique at the École Polytechnique in France. Prior to joining the CPHT, I have held postdoctoral positions at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, and at the University of Victoria in Canada. I earned my doctoral degree from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India, working on theoretical cosmology.

I am interested in several aspects of high energy physics. Theoretical high energy physics provides the mathematical framework to describe the variety of phenomena that we observe in nature at extreme energies or probe in high energy particle colliders. A few persistent themes are the questions regarding what the fundamental constituents of matter are and how they interact, how did the universe begin and evolve into its present form, and whether there exists a unified theory capable of describing the four fundamental interactions at the same footing.  My research revolves around trying to find answers to some of these questions. The key tools in my research are quantum field theories, which for instance describe matter and forces at the fundamental level,  and general relativity, which governs the behaviour of gravity. A remarkable discovery of the recent times, the gauge/gravity duality, hints that perhaps quantum field theories and gravity are not disparate, but are two sides of the same coin. The interplay of so many interesting ideas that come about together in our efforts to understand the mysteries of the universe make high energy physics the super-exciting research field it is.

More details about my research interests can be found here

The cover image at the top is part of the Feynman wall at Caltech, clicked and processed by yours truly.